Solved Worksheet 5


1. Lebanon is a small country stretched along the east end coast of the Mediterranean. Along its narrow body extend two chains of mountains, Mount Lebanon and Anti-Lebanon, much defining the country’s exceptional sun-drenched humid climate and the mountains covered with greenery in summer and snow, in winter (giving the country its name). The Lebanese mountainous landscape is inseparably weaved into the curves of the seaside bays. 

2. Similarly to a number of countries across the Mediterranean where the greatest civilizations that ever existed have left a trace: Phoenician, Mamluk (Islamic), Byzantine, Roman, Ottoman, and French, Lebanon is rich in such architectural traces and artifacts. The latter are masterpieces that convey the epitome of the culture they represent: the Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, Chama Castle south-east of Tyre, and the Khans of Tripoli. 

3. Baalbek is an incredible monument, standing on a hill in the Bekaa valley in Lebanon. The construction of the expansive temple was begun by the Phoenicians between three and four thousand years ago. The Greeks then added to it, followed by the Romans, and much later the Arabs. Local legend has it that the temple was originally built by people “from the East”; not much is known beyond that. 

4. Some curious facts about the Baalbek temple are that you will see stone lotuses carved on the temple’s ceilings. That is intriguing, because there are no lotuses in Lebanon. Secondly, the foundation stones of the temple are supposed to weigh eight hundred tonnes each. The ancients transported these immense stones, and also erected huge columns, which are at least 10 feet in diameter and 50 feet high. It is said that they were moved with the help of elephants, but people don’t give much credence to this as there are no elephants in West Asia. The lotus is the most common symbolism of spirituality in India. Something called a Guru Pooja stone, a stone with 16 corners, a huge stone is lying in the middle of the ruins of Baalbek Obviously, there was a cultural interaction going back thousands of years between India and Lebanon. 

5. Baalbek is an incredible monument. Some of the stones weigh 800 tonnes. To do this without equipment, without cranes, without trucks, without any big ships, what kind of human beings would even endeavour to think like that? Definitely not people who are thinking of just money and bread. Among the roof stones, there is a clear anahata symbol, with 6 petals and two interlocking triangles. And above all, in the museum at Baalbek, there is a stone with 16 corners called a Guru Pooja stone. 

6. Guru Pooja is not just an emotional thing, it is a whole system of creating a certain possibility, of creating a field of energy around you so that people become receptive and are drawn to the whole process. This is called Shodashopachara, which means 16 ways of treating a Guru. For this, 16-cornered stones are made which are called Guru Pooja Peetas which are unique to yogic culture. Guru Pooja stones of 16 corners could not have gone anywhere else except from the knowledge that Adiyogi himself transmitted. Such a thing exists nowhere else on the planet, but in Baalbek there is a Guru Pooja stone that is thousands of years old. Obviously, there was a very active commercial and spiritual connection between the two lands India and Lebanon. 

 Answer the following questions based on the passage above.

1. Who Built Baalbek Temple in Lebanon?
The temple was originally built by people “from the East”; not much is known beyond that. 

2. How Did They Transport Baalbek Stones?
It is said that they were moved with the help of elephants. 

3. What is the purpose of guru pooja stone?
The purpose of the stone is that it is the place where the Guru sits to teach his disciples.

4. Give evidences from the passage on how stones are moved to Lebanon from India?
Human beings who had interest in architecture endeavored to transport the stone with the help of elephants from India.
5. Pick up words from the passage that means –
a) A perfect example of something (para 2)
b) A man made object typically of cultural or traditional importance. (para 2)
c) A work of outstanding skill or artistry (para 2)
d) Impossible to believe (para 3)
e) A local story popularly regarded as traditional but not authenticated. (para 3)


Most of us would say we feel better when we are healthy, exercise a bit, or work out. But are brains actually better off? K.R Isaacs, PhD. and associates (1992) report that in a study with rats, vigorous physical activity increased blood flow to the brain. 

Carla Hannaford PhD. (1995) suggests that the use of cross-lateral re-patterning motions can have dramatic effects on learning. Cross laterals are arm and leg movements that cross over from one side of the body (i.e., touching the right shoulder with your left hand) since the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa, engaging the arms and legs in such a way forces the brain to ‘talk to itself’. A brain which is fully engaged is far more efficient and effective. For students who are “stuck” or at a standstill, cross-lateral movements can be the perfect, simple antidote for engaging both sides of the brain to full advantage. This is particularly effective for students who are sleepy, overwhelmed, frustrated or experiencing a learning back. 

What this means to you?

When you go for a brisk walk or work out before starting your day, you feel better. This is no coincidence. An active body enhances an active mind. Learners who are active tend to be more alert. Building physical activities into your daily schedule models good learning practice. Take two minutes when you start your class to activate your learners. A short stretching session, a brisk walk, some cross-lateral movements, will go throughout the day. They don’t have to be long, just well-timed. When attention spans to fade, you know it’s time.

Answer the following questions based on the above passage.

1. Give an example of cross-lateral movement?
a) Touching the left leg with left hand.
b) Touching the right leg with left leg.
c) Touching the right shoulder with the left hand.
d) Touching the left shoulder with left hand.
Answer (c)
2. What is the right time for physical activity?
a) When students are free to do
b) Early in the morning.
c) Before going to bed.
d) When students are frustrated.
Answer (d)

3. What is the correlation between body and mind?
a) Students who do exercise score good marks.
b) Students who are active throughout the day do well in examinations.
c) An active body enhances an active mind.
d) An active mind enhances an active body.
Answer (c)
